Thursday, May 23, 2013 How to Throw an Adult Princess Party

An adult princess party: we're not talking all princess Disney costumes here (although all who arrive Cinderella princess dresses and Snow White princess dresses will be admitted.) An adult princess party is an opening to live out the childhood princess dream with a party of your friends, dressed in diminutive Adventures princess costumes adult as well.

Think pink? A pink princess party is an easy one to follow. Pink tiaras and pink martinis should be provided, as well as small pink-iced cookies. Pink princess décor is easy to find, since pink infiltrates most of the princess Disney costumes and princess costumes adult.

Boy Halloween Costumes

If a pink princess is too exuberant, there are many other themed options. A Princess Ball makes the men invited to the party feel less awkward about attending. Request formal attire, men can come in suits or tuxes and women can arrive in their best rendition of the Cinderella princess dress. Lay red carpet down on the entryway, and as an added flair, have man with a powdered wig announce the guests as they arrive. The party can follow as a usual ball, with dancing and refreshments. With a Cinderella princess party, you can contain a location to try on a "glass slipper" as well.

How to Throw an Adult Princess Party

A black and white princess party puts a contemporary edge on a traditional feminine theme. Think of a Snow White princess dress in a black, white, and silver. Use these colors to decorate, improving with white lights, candles, and dark furniture. The modernistic elements of this type of party will put guests more at ease with a princess theme, while still allowing all in princess costumes adult to accessorize their diminutive Adventures Cinderella princess dress with a tiara.

A Disney princess theme is so childish that it can not only revive that childish spark, but be humorous as well. Have your friends pull out any princess Disney costumes they have. If they need a princess costume adult, check into brands like diminutive Adventures for their adult princess collection. diminutive Adventures makes a Cinderella princess dress and Snow White princess dress in adult sizes, as well as other princess costumes adult. Decorate with the Disney princess accessories, and play Disney movie soundtracks as the background music. If it's an all-women party and every person is in their princess Disney costumes, don't be shy about playing a classic old Disney movie and watching it with popcorn together.

Get creative with your theme, and try to pick one that suits what you envision as a princess party. Does one single princess speak to you the most? Does a color? Or a single princess movie character? Use what you characterize to the most, and brainstorm party ideas off of that theme.

Adult princess parties can contain a manicure or pedicure station, or a facial and make-up area. Tea party sized snacks are a hit, as well as specialty drinks. Take the time to reminisce, talk, and hang out with friends as you're all dressed up. If there's no place to dance where the party is hosted, reconsider renting a limo and heading to go dancing after hosting a fancy dinner. Simple party games are made more fun when every person is dressed up in princess attire.

With energy, excitement, and a killer theme, you'll be set to host the excellent princess party.

How to Throw an Adult Princess Party


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